Our Story

Make learning and teaching more effective with active participation and student collaboration

About us


Our AI-powered career counseling project emerges from a recognition of the challenges faced by last-year students and recent graduates during their transition from academia to the professional world. This transition period is marked by uncertainties about career paths, job opportunities, and skill development. Traditional career counseling resources often fall short in meeting the evolving needs of today’s students and graduates. With technological advancements and the complexity of the job market, there’s a pressing need for innovative solutions that can provide personalized guidance and support.

Mission & Vision

Our mission is to empower last-year students and recent graduates with comprehensive, AI-driven career guidance and support. We strive to bridge the gap between education and industry by offering personalized solutions for job searching, resume building, interview preparation, career counseling, financial management, and personal development. Our goal is to facilitate a smoother transition from education to the professional world, enabling individuals to make informed decisions about their careers and achieve their professional aspirations.


Our vision is to become the leading provider of AI-powered career counseling solutions, setting new standards for personalized career guidance and support. We envision a future where individuals have access to intuitive, user-friendly tools that empower them to navigate their career paths with confidence and clarity. By leveraging the latest advancements in AI technology, we aim to revolutionize the way individuals approach career development, ultimately enhancing career outcomes and driving meaningful impact in the professional world.


What makes us better

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User-Centric Design and Experience:

Our platform is designed with the user in mind, offering an intuitive and seamless experience. We prioritize user feedback and continuously iterate on our platform to ensure it meets the needs and expectations of our users. From easy navigation to clear interface design, we strive to make career counseling accessible and user-friendly for all.

Personalized AI-driven Guidance

We leverage the power of artificial intelligence (AI) to provide personalized career guidance tailored to each user's unique needs and aspirations. Our AI algorithms analyze user data and preferences to offer customized recommendations for job opportunities, skill development, and career advancement.

Comprehensive Suite of Resources

CareerAdvice Agency offers a comprehensive suite of resources to support users at every stage of their career journey. From job search assistance and resume building to interview preparation and personal development tools, we provide all the resources needed for success in the professional world.

Experienced Team and Student-Centric Approach

Our team consists of experienced professionals who have firsthand experience navigating the challenges of transitioning from school to the professional world. As former students ourselves, we understand the unique needs and concerns of last-year students and recent graduates. We apply our insights and expertise to create solutions that address the specific challenges faced by students and graduates, making CareerAdvice Agency a trusted and reliable resource for career development.

Our Team

Malik Shahzad


Omar Al Marzooqi

Assistant Professor

Ahmed Al Mehairbi

Assistant Professor

Salem Meshal

Visual Artist